The Remnant Campus Foundation

Reinventing the Curriculum: An approach to real education.

Juanita M. Immanuel-Ngur

February 19, 2024

Reinventing the curriculum is one initiative the Remnant Campus champions to better suit the needs of student in meeting global demands. Education is a right that every child should have access to regardless of their background or circumstances. However, there are many who for various reasons are unable to attend schools or perform well in their educations. Due to the traditional schooling system in Nigeria, students are at a disadvantage when it comes to accessing the same quality of education as their peers worldwide. This article aims to articulate the problem and offer a better solution.

The problem

According to a UNICEF representative of Nigeria, even though primary education is socially free and compulsory, about 10.5 million of the country’s children aged 5-14 years are not in school. Some, due to pandemics of intense poverty, child labor, mismanaged educational investments from government and private sectors. Others, due to lack of interest in school are completely disconnected from its purpose. Not having a reason for investing time or effort towards getting education and why they should be within a regimented environment. Hence they cannot relate at the same level of social interaction as their peers. They aren’t as exposed and up to date with current trends. They are also unable to satisfy cooperate demands in the work space.

In addition, the rigid and inflexible curriculum designed to provide a uniform educational experience for students with different needs and peculiarities totally undermines their individuality. Students who learn differently or have different interests and abilities can’t fully harness their potential due to the traditional schooling system. Secondly, these rigid curriculums limit students creativity and problem solving skills. Students don’t have the liberty to explore different ideas and find their own solutions when the curriculum is too rigid. Students perceive these curriculums as boring and non-engaging which leads to low motivations and poor academic performance.

Solution concept

One way to address the problems accompanied with traditional schooling and rigid curriculums is through the role and responsibilities of educators and curriculum designers. These individuals can help develop alternative learning opportunities by reinventing the curriculum. This cater to the needs of students by tailoring the curriculum to meet the needs of these students. Educators and curriculum designers can guide and coach these students to harness skill, creativity, technology, and knowledge. Teachers are involved in the creation processes and interpretation of the curriculum as suggested by the ministries of education in developing countries. Nigeria can also inculcate that idea.

Most of these teachers are creatively designing variant dissemination approaches to a relevant materials. In order to help the learner adapt to concepts faster and own the learning experience. We find the opposite in most of our communities here in Nigeria. It’s “garbage in, garbage out”, years of recycling old information. This method has neither a recognition of the different types of learners in a classroom, nor the diversity of backgrounds.

At the Remnant Campus Foundation, our campaign strategy is for non-traditional schooling systems to be established in our communities to complement the already existing system of schooling. We are reinventing the curriculum through competency-based approach. This focusses on students demonstrating their skills and talent rather than memorizing facts. Also, through the use of project based learning which allows students explore the real-world problems and come up with their own solutions. Lastly, by incorporating students choice into the curriculum, allowing students select the topics and learning experiences that interest them.

However, throwing out all non contemporary irrelevancies that do not contribute to the development of our children’s future. The Remnant Campus is introducing a new trend within our communities here in Nigeria. Nigeria is known to have rigid schooling systems even when it doesn’t seem to benefit everyone. Reinventing the curriculum will close the gap between peers and class strata within our communities for the greater good of building a strong, vibrant and youthful economy. Not just doing the right thing but deliberately and constructively building its students to meet global expectations.

Benefits & Call to Action

Reinventing the curriculum at the Remnant Campus has helped students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. There are many benefits to non-traditional schooling systems! For one, they offer more flexibility and adaptability. They can also be more accessible and affordable. They may provide a more personalized learning experience. Plus, non-traditional systems can be more innovative and willing to introduce cutting-edge learning environment. As much as Core Courses make the waves across many schools around the globe. Nigeria should think about tailoring its curriculum according to the needs of this generation. Through utilizing electives (from Elementary classes to High school to higher institutions), and initiatives tailored at stirring drop- outs to take an interest in school and appreciate its purpose.

For the most part we forget most of what we’ve learnt, but not our interests. Our interests build livelihoods, certificates are sometimes just a means to an end not life. Most of the people who have thriving businesses today, those businesses may not always have any connection between their current preoccupation and course of study in the university, what happened? By tailoring the curriculum to meet the needs of these children, we can ensure that they have the same opportunities for success. Rather than focusing on standardized testing and grades.

Juanita M. Immanuel-Ngur
Juanita M. Immanuel-Ngur

Juanita Immanuel, a Missionary, an Educator and a Homeschooler ; Superintendent of The Remnant Campus, a Homeschool Foundation.
I'm a Pathfinder, called to assist children discover their path and uncover their destiny via relevant instructional information, termed education. We offer tuition free education to children with little or no support for education.

As a missionary outfit, we've partnered with the Lord as Foundation Raisers of generations, using a blend of education and God's principles to teach children how to live righteously untill the King returns.

I'm passionate about sharing teaching strategies with other teachers and helping them learn how to consistently teach creative lessons.
I also share my experiences on how the 21st century themes for learning can be implemented in the classroom environment, thereby impacting the lives of learners, via creative motivating lessons.

Articles: 14

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