The Remnant Campus Foundation

About Us

The Remnant Campus is a non-profit Missionary outfit in partnership with the Lord to raise a generation that is acquainted with Him. A generation trained and prepared by God’s molding to counter the darkness of societal decadence, by the light of righteousness.

We are a Mission-driven ministry dedicated to evangelizing children and youth in our community. Through education, we create opportunities to reach and nurture young hearts with the message of Christ.

Apart from our school, we share the Gospel on school assembly grounds, and fellowships using age-appropriate Christian literature and impactful Christian films to spread the Word effectively.

After this, We believe that the true purpose of Education is to make minds, not just careers. It is not the learning of facts or memorization, but the training of the mind to think…
Spirit driven thinking minds add value to self, families and the world.

We want to make this happen by focusing especially on the importance of mastery of instructional content and development of reasoning skills, via relevant educational material. All these on the backdrop of the core values of the fear of God.
We started this as a Homeschool; having Homeschooled my own children as I became dissatisfied with the output of education within our community. Until God mandated us to go public. We observed that while the cost of education soared, the quality of same nosedived. This in turn is the recipe for an unstable society where the poor, regardless of their IQ, are uneducated and illiterate, thus becoming the masterminds of societal woes tomorrow.

In order to stem this coming tide, and give hope to the hopeless, we offer tuition free Primary and Secondary (Elementary and High) School Education to financially distressed families, especially to children of the clergy and missionaries; to orphans, the poor/those with little or no support for education; street kids inclusive. Children who do not fit in a traditional style of schooling are also welcome.

I am Juanita Immanuel, a Woman of God, a Missionary, an Educator, a Homeschooler, and an Advocate for God Centered Education; The Superintendent of The Remnant Campus, A Homeschool Foundation.

I am a Pathfinder, called to assist children ,’discover their path and uncover their destiny’, via relevant instructional information and deliberately curated learning processes.

I’m passionate about sharing teaching strategies with other teachers and helping them learn how to consistently teach creative lessons. I also share my experiences on how the 21st century themes for learning can be implemented in the classroom environment, thereby impacting the lives of learners, via creative motivating lessons.

My posts

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What is Learning? I wonder...
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