The Remnant Campus Foundation

Weeks 1-2: Module 1 – Introduction to Cybersecurity and Cybercrime

Lesson 1: What is Cybersecurity?

Define cybersecurity in simple terms as “digital safety” and discuss the importance of keeping information safe online.

Lesson 2: Cybercrime Explained

Introduce the idea that some people do bad things on the internet and briefly mention common cybercrimes.

Lesson 3: Staying Safe Online

Focus on basic online safety rules like not sharing personal information, being careful about clicking on links, and using strong passwords.

Activities: Interactive stories or cartoons illustrating online safety, group discussions on safe online behavior.


Weeks 3-4: Module 2 – Digital Safety

Lesson 1: Password Protection

Teach students how to create strong passwords and why they should keep them secret.

Lesson 2: Recognizing Fake Messages

Explain what phishing is in simple terms and how to spot suspicious messages.

Lesson 3: Cyber Hygiene

Discuss basic habits like keeping software updated and logging out of accounts when done.

Activities: Creating and remembering strong passwords with simple techniques, identifying phishing emails in examples.

Weeks 5-6: Module 3 – Online Privacy and Etiquette

Lesson 1: Keeping Personal Information Safe

Emphasize not sharing personal details and using privacy settings on social media.

Lesson 2: Being Kind Online

Introduce the concept of online etiquette (netiquette) and how to treat others kindly online.

Lesson 3: Digital Privacy

Explain that what you do online can be seen by others, and it’s important to think before sharing.

Activities: Role-playing scenarios for online etiquette, setting privacy controls on common platforms.


Weeks 7-8: Module 4 – Cyberbullying and Ethical Behavior

Lesson 1: What is Cyberbullying?

Define cyberbullying and discuss why it’s wrong.

Lesson 2: Being a Good Digital Citizen

Talk about being a responsible and ethical internet user.

Lesson 3: Reporting Cyberbullying

Explain what to do if students encounter cyberbullying or inappropriate behavior online.

Activities: Storytelling and discussion on how to be a good online friend, practicing reporting methods.


Weeks 9-10: Module 5 – Digital Footprint and Reputation

Lesson 1: What is a Digital Footprint?

Describe the digital footprint as the mark we leave behind online and how it can affect us.

Lesson 2: Building a Positive Digital Reputation

Discuss how to make a good impression online by being respectful and responsible.

Lesson 3: Online Actions and Consequences

Explain that online actions can have real-world consequences and provide examples.

Activities: Creating a positive digital footprint collage, discussing real-world examples of online actions and their consequences.


Weeks 11-12: Module 6 – Cybersecurity and Safety Tips

Lesson 1: Online Safety Tips

Provide practical safety tips for different online activities, like gaming and social media.

Lesson 2: Cybersecurity Helpers

Mention cybersecurity professionals and their role in keeping the internet safe.

Lesson 3: Recap and Review

Review key concepts from the previous lessons and reinforce the importance of being safe online.

Activities: Creating online safety posters, discussing career possibilities related to online safety.


Week 13: Module 7 – Real-World Case Studies and Final Projects

Lesson 1: Understanding Online Problems

Present simplified real-world examples of cybercrimes and their impact.

Lesson 2: Online Safety Matters

Recap the importance of cybersecurity and online safety.

Lesson 3: Final Project Presentations

Students present their final projects related to online safety or create posters or videos to share their knowledge.



Module 1 - Introduction to Cybersecurity

Module 2 - Digital Safety

Module 3 - Online Privacy and Etiquette

Module 4 - Cyberbullying

Module 5 - Digital Footprint

Module 6 - Cybersecurity and Safety tips

Module 7 - Real World Case-Studies