The Remnant Campus Foundation

Fun facts at recess

Juanita Immanuel

October 09, 2024

So did you know that fun facts could be an engaging way to teach children how to play during recess time,in alternative to screen time, idleness and mischief?

During the past vacation, My family and I visited with a family friend and it was interesting to watch how my friend’s husband passed time while checking up on how much they knew without asking really boring questions like, ” did you enjoy the past term?” “What did you learn?”


Let’s be sincere, even as adults it’s not all the time we want be quizzed with, ‘differentiate between , expand on the concept…, explain,enumerate, and describe academically.🥱

So we had a hot seat placed in the centre of the room, and the participants took turns to sit and respond to a fun fact quiz using alphabets.

” Name an animal beginning with k,d,z,…”


You could also include attractive rewards, not money. Everything seems to be about money in todays world. How about just panning the focus of children towards values that have to do with finding fulfilment in doing something we love? As christians our goal should be to always consciously inculcate the spirit and culture of the Word of God in their hearts, not point the direction of the way of the world by placing too much value and love for monetary gain. Remember, whatsoever things are lovely, pure, commendable, dwell on these things. Philip 4:8.

It was interesting to know that during this playtime,age wasn’t a barrier it was just all about what you knew what you had in your arsenal and as the game progressed,it got really interesting that they didn’t want to leave.


I learned something useful that day, that children do not need to be attached to the screen of your phone or tab or computer, we can engage them in things that are more profitable that are outside the classroom and yet still be a learning process for their minds and their hearts as they engage with the environment around them and things around the world to keep them alive and educated or learned. So I encourage you to start today. What we do in school, is that during recess/ long break,if the children aren’t interested in board games, and there’s no electricity to watch documentaries,the children usually would ask they could use a classroom to play fun facts. I love them to anchor their own game according to their own rules, I don’t get involved and many times because during that time they don’t need the strict presence of a teacher/ Superintendent gazing at them or interrupting with corrections, this can make the environment tense.


Fun facts encourages research for topics and new discoveries; because to be able to play the game you need to go do your research, gather as much data as you can and be able to share. while the game goes on my ears are tuned to the priceless expressions of ‘oh!’,’seriously?’,’awww’ that permeate the room.

Juanita M. Immanuel-Ngur
Juanita M. Immanuel-Ngur

Juanita Immanuel, a Missionary, an Educator and a Homeschooler ; Superintendent of The Remnant Campus, a Homeschool Foundation.
I'm a Pathfinder, called to assist children discover their path and uncover their destiny via relevant instructional information, termed education. We offer tuition free education to children with little or no support for education.

As a missionary outfit, we've partnered with the Lord as Foundation Raisers of generations, using a blend of education and God's principles to teach children how to live righteously untill the King returns.

I'm passionate about sharing teaching strategies with other teachers and helping them learn how to consistently teach creative lessons.
I also share my experiences on how the 21st century themes for learning can be implemented in the classroom environment, thereby impacting the lives of learners, via creative motivating lessons.

Articles: 13

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